
the plug’n’play system

Keep it simple in changing times

As the world of packaging in the food industry changes fast with new materials, shapes, technologies, and new regulations brings more uncertinability, the producers requires more than ever extremely adaptative solutions to be as much efficient in every part of the process as they can. Our propose is bring to the producers the solution to denest all the trays they have with only one machine keeping very simple and easy the format change.

System based on matrices and manifolds

Format matrix

bespoke element

Is the element that contains all the technology to be able to denest the trays of a stack one by one. All the regulations needed are made and tested by Altior in our installations to ensure that the installation of the equipment and every time that a format change is made it’s only removed one matrix and put another one.

Multiple formats can be denested with the same matrix while the outline geometry and the materials are the same. This means that the same tray with diferent number of alveolus or with diferent depth can be denested using the same matrix.

The same matrix can be mounted in both directions of the tray, so with the same matrix it’s possible to denest the tray in the desired way without another matrix.

Pads manifold

bespoke element

The technology used by the altior totem denester are vacuum pads. That means we put a lot of effort to ensure that the vacuum pads are correctly chosen and set on the right positions for every format.

As the matrix, one manifold can be used in multiple formats if the right combinations between trays can be done.

Fast plug’n’play format change


To ensure that the machine works with the correct combination of manifold and matrix, every element has an inscription with the names chosen by the costumer. So this makes easier the format change for the operator.

When a format matrix or a manifold is in the totem, the machine identifies which element is and if one or both of the elements is not the correct for the format chosen to work, the machine will help the user to know which one are the correct elements for the format.

Let’s denest your trays

Altior will pick up your trays on your facility then, test it in order to arrange a demo (presential or online) of the machine denesting your trays.

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